Every now and then it’s a good idea to lower your gaze, the universe is hidden in the details.
Many times I have crossed that clear ditch that descends quietly between small meanders, after crossing a beautiful stretch of beech forest. That morning, however, the passage was destined to stop in the middle. The small jump that was used to climb over it forced me to look down, and there the wonder appeared. Right there, the unexpected awaited me. Not something so spectacular, but a small wonder to be amazed by.
It’s amazing how we take the landscape for granted, but it can surprise us with very little. All it takes is one cold winter night and in the morning that stream of clear water becomes a microcosm. A condensate of shapes, swirls shades and colours that repeat, intertwine and stretch in every direction and show the eyes the wonderful way in which Nature manages to organize itself.
In the small as in the extraordinarily large scale.